What's left for breakfast? Seven yummy egg, gluten & dairy free, low oxalate recipes
About hormone resistance
what causes bloating?
Which gut bacteria can contribute to halitosis?
GUT HEALTH, GENERAL HEALTH, FOOD AS MEDICINE, DETOXIFICATION, CHRONIC ILLNESSGutsy by Nutritioncholine, TMAU, TMA, gut microbiome, halitosis, betaine, carnitine
The connection between your stomach & high oxalates
Women's brains change during menopause
Trimethylamine (TMA), trimethylaminuria (TMAU) & extra-oral halitosis
The relationship between Lichen Sclerosis & oxalates
I did a gut protocol & now I feel worse
Why fibre can cause bloating
What foods increase oestrogen
About the gut-histamine connection
How to make lasting changes
These probiotics can lower histamine levels
These probiotics raise histamine levels
how chemicals acting as hormones cause weight gain
Ongoing stress has profoundly negative effects on the gut
Vegetables and fruit stress your body to fight disease
Chronic stress leads to chronic disease
How much protein do we need as we get older?