Our brain relies on histamines
The relationship beween our gut microbiome and fatty liver (NAFLD)
Stress impacts these gut microbes
How to heal your body on a budget
AUTOIMMUNITY, CHRONIC ILLNESS, FAMILY HEALTH, FOOD AS MEDICINE, GENERAL HEALTH, WOMENS HEALTH, MINDSET, MENS HEALTHGutsy by Nutritionbudget, whole foods, natural medicine, foods is medicine, diet and lifestyle
Our vagus nerve regulates inflammation
The vagus nerve regulates inflammation
Why is autoimmune disease rising?
Low HRV means you're in fight-or-flight mode
The relationship between herbicides & oxalate problems
My oxalate story - from high sensitivity to tolerance
Is it possible to 'switch off' the gene involved in halitosis?
The gene involved in halitosis
Which gut bacteria can contribute to halitosis?
GUT HEALTH, GENERAL HEALTH, FOOD AS MEDICINE, DETOXIFICATION, CHRONIC ILLNESSGutsy by Nutritioncholine, TMAU, TMA, gut microbiome, halitosis, betaine, carnitine
The connection between your stomach & high oxalates
Trimethylamine (TMA), trimethylaminuria (TMAU) & extra-oral halitosis
I did a gut protocol & now I feel worse
About the gut-histamine connection
These probiotics raise histamine levels
Vegetables and fruit stress your body to fight disease
Chronic stress leads to chronic disease