1:1 MIND-BODY health
Do you feel like something's holding your health back?
Seeking a holistic approach for lasting wellbeing?
Want a personalised program that integrates functional health, natural medicine and mindset alignment?
FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE + Psych-K IS A TOTAL wellness system
“The mind and body are like parallel universes. Anything that happens in the mental universe must leave tracks in the physical one.”
offerings: via the phone, video or in person
PSYCH-K one-off sessions OR packages: 15% discount when you buy 6 sessions
PSYCHO–BIOME package: GUT-BRAIN focus with gut and food testing + Psych-K
mind-body health packages
The intricate relationship between the mind and body profoundly influences our health and well-being.
Scientific research illuminates this connection, revealing that our thoughts, emotions and beliefs can significantly impact our physical health.
For example
Dr Bruce Lipton’s renowned book, The Biology of Belief, Dr. outlines how our beliefs and perceptions can influence our biology by affecting gene expression, a concept he supports through his research on stem cells and epigenetics
A study by Church and Brooks (2009) explored the effects of Psych-K on psychological well-being and found improvements in self-esteem and emotional regulation among participants
Dr. Jeffrey Fannin's research demonstrates that PSYCH-K facilitates a Whole-Brain State, enhancing brain coherence and promoting effective belief change
Research by Professor Steve Ross (2006) examined the impact of Psych-K on reducing anxiety and reported significant reductions in anxiety levels post-treatment
The Placebo effect shows us that belief in sugar pills as effective medicine is often just as, or similarly powerful, as actual drugs for pain management, depression and healing
As a practitioner of functional health and natural medicine, I recognise that achieving optimal health requires a holistic approach.
This perspective considers not only the physical aspects of health but also the mental and emotional factors that contribute to well-being.
The gut-brain connection also demonstrates this. This is a bidirectional communication system where the gut and brain send signals to each other influencing digestion, overall health but importantly our mood, underscoring the importance of nurturing both our physical health and mental well-being, as they are deeply interconnected and influence each other.
Integrating Psych-K – a method designed to reprogram limiting subconscious beliefs – is a powerful tool for this process. By addressing the subconscious mind, we can remove blockages that hinder healing, allowing for a more comprehensive and effective approach to health.
This is because our subconscious mind shapes the way we act based on our past and experiences. The problem is, this can cause internal conflict ie our actions may not be aligned with our conscious goals, or what we truly want. PSYCH-K realigns our subconscious and conscious mind so that our actions reflect what we truly want. This creates lasting change, allowing us to break free of self-sabotaging patterns.
To support you on this journey, I offer tailored packages that combine functional health assessments, natural medicine support, and Psych-K sessions.
These packages are designed to address the root causes of health issues, promote healing, to empower you to achieve your wellness goals. By integrating these modalities, we can work together to create a personalizsd plan that nurtures both your mind and body, fostering a path toward lasting health and vitality.
Are you ready?