what causes bloating?

Identifying and addressing the underlying causes of gut dysfunction can end bloating.

here are some possible causes of bloating

  1. Impaired digestion, like low stomach acid and digestive enzymes, can lead to incomplete breakdown of food, fermentation by gut bacteria and the production of gas, resulting in bloating. Food intolerances or sensitivity to carbohydrates like FODMAPs can also trigger bloating

  2. Abnormal gut motility like delayed gastric emptying or impaired muscle contractions, can lead to food stagnation in the digestive tract, promoting bacterial overgrowth and gas production. This can be caused by neurological issues, medication side effects, gut conditions and diet

  3. Imbalances in the gut microbiota, or dysbiosis, can disrupt normal digestion and lead to bloating. This includes yeast/fungal infections like candida. Dysbiosis results from poor diet, stress, antibiotic use, improper food breakdown and gut infections, all of which can promote the growth of gas-producing bacteria and fermentation in the gut

  4. Chronic low-grade inflammation in the gut associated with conditions like IBD, coeliac disease or intestinal permeability can disrupt normal digestive function and cause bloating through the impact of inflammation on motility, barrier function and immune responses

  5. Stress can influence gut function via the gut-brain axis, which can lead to dysregulation of the enteric (gut) nervous system and alterations in motility, secretion and sensitivity. Long-term stress can exacerbate bloating symptoms through its effects on gut function and microbial balance

  6. Some dietary habits like consuming a high sugar / refined carb or processed-fat foods diet, eating too quickly or too much, or drinking carbonated beverages, can impair digestion and promote gas and bloating

To resolve bloating

  • Ensure you have sufficient stomach acid

  • The same goes for digestive enzymes

  • Cut/reduce sugar and refined carbs

  • Manage stress

  • Eat plenty of fibre

  • Hydrate well with clean water

  • Do some gut stool testing to find out if there’s inflammation, gut immune issues, permeability, infections (microbial, fungal, parasitic, viral), adequate beneficial bacteria an dmore so these can be addressed with a targeted protocol

  • Check for gut disease with your medical professional