What foods increase oestrogen

Some foods contain phytoestrogens, plant-based substances that to some degree mimic the activity of oestrogen in the body.

While not be as potent as the oestrogen produced in the body, they can help alleviate some symptoms of menopause where oestrogen drops considerably.

But, if someone has gut dysfunction or other sensitivities, be cautious about some of these foods as they may react to them e.g. oxalates, histamines, soy, FODMAPS

  • Organic Soy – tofu, tempeh, soy milk, and edamame are rich in phytoestrogens called isoflavones (organic only to reduce reactivity). Limit to 3 times per week

  • Flaxseeds – are high in lignans, a type of phytoestrogen that may help balance hormone levels

  • Sesame seeds– also contain lignans similar to flaxseeds

  • Whole grains – if tolerated e.g. gf oats, quinoa, brown rice, buckwheat

  • Legumes – lentils, chickpeas and beans also contain phytoestrogens

  • Fruits & vegetables – like apples, berries, carrots and broccoli, contain phytoestrogens and other beneficial nutrients

Incorporating these foods into a balanced diet can help menopausal women get some of the benefits of oestrogen from real food sources