How to make lasting changes

avoiding change overwhelm and failure

What's the best way to make change, and avoid overwhelm and failure?

The answer is to start where we're at, and go slowly.

For example

  • We know we need to drink more water for detoxification, regularity and appetite control. Try adding 2 glasses a day by putting a glass and carafe / jug of water in the bathroom or by the bed so that on waking, we develop a habit of drinking it. Then gradually add more into the daily routine e.g. before and after going to work, 15 mins before eating lunch and dinner

  • We want to do 3 classes at the gym per week. But this has failed in the past and we've ended up giving up as it's too much. What a waste! Instead how about going to that same gym or having some weights or something weighty at home, and adding in 1-2 exercises every day or second day, gradually building up the habit and strength. Everyone has time for 5 mins a day

  • We want to change our diet, cutting out added sugar and refined carbs as it causes us to feel hangry, lack energy in the afternoon, and get shaky sometimes. It feels like a lot. How about starting with drinks e.g. cut syrup or sugar in coffee, soft drinks, juices, perhaps even one at a time. Then move onto dessert, replacing it with fruit. Or swap out that white bread for a seeded one

layering change

Have the goal in mind, but begin with baby steps that stick, and layer one in at a time. Change becomes achievable and successful, making us feel empowered and pleased with ourselves so we want to do more.


For setbacks, break the desired goal down and implement change more slowly, or work out what lies behind it e.g. is there an unhelpful or outdated conscious or subconscious belief, or a shadow value undermining us?

is this enough?

This is about forming realistic and healthy new habits. Avoid all those or nothing approaches and perfectionism. Doing small things daily, builds up to be a lot more than nothing!