how chemicals acting as hormones cause weight gain

what are xeno-oestrogens and xeno-androgens?

Xeno-oestrogens and xeno-androgens are synthetic compounds that mimic the effects of oestrogen and androgen hormones.

They're commonly found in environmental pollutants like pesticides, plastics and industrial chemicals, and can disrupt our hormone system by binding to hormone receptors and interfering with normal signalling.

In menopausal women, xeno-oestrogens and xeno-androgens can contribute to weight gain by

  1. Disrupting the delicate balance of oestrogen and other hormones in menopausal women, leading to changes in metabolism (energy use) and fat distribution, potentially promoting weight gain, especially around the abdomen.

  2. Causing insulin resistance where cells become less responsive to insulin, causing increased fat storage and weight gain.

  3. Impacting the function of adipocytes (fat cells), altering their ability to regulate lipid (fat) metabolism and energy usage, contributing to weight gain.

  4. Influencing appetite regulation and food intake via impacts on hormone signalling pathways in the brain, potentially leading to overeating and weight gain.

  5. Contributing to chronic inflammation, which is associated with obesity and metabolic (energy, biochemical) dysfunction. Chronic inflammation can disrupt normal metabolic processes, promoting weight gain and metabolic disturbances.

what can you do?

It’s tempting to feel like you don’t have much control over these chemicals, but there are some things you can do.

Eating food that's as close to nature as possible, drinking pure water, ensuring anything you put on your skin is natural and that your gut is healthy to help detox your body, are all parts of a strategy aimed at minimising exposure and ensuring hormonal balance.

While hormones fall in menopause, they should never be too low