I did a gut protocol & now I feel worse

Feeling worse after doing a gut protocol?

Whether it was drug or natural medicine based, professionally guided or self-guided, I get plenty of clients coming to me with this issue.

What went wrong?

  1. The eradication of gut infections (microbial, fungal/yeast, parasitic) using drugs or natural medicine often decreases beneficial or commensal gut bacteria ie it kills off the good along with the bad

  2. Beneficial bacteria protect against harmful microbes or dysbiosis (imbalances) by competing for resources, producing antimicrobial substances and supporting gut barrier function. Their reduction leaves our gut susceptible to more infections, inflammation and other issues

  3. This can also lead to compromised gut immune function. Beneficial bacteria train and regulate the immune system so it responds appropriately to pathogens without overreacting to harmless substances. Dysbiosis weakens immune defences, making the body vulnerable to infections, sensitivities, allergies and autoimmunity

  4. The loss of beneficial bacteria can lead to increased intestinal permeability (leaky gut) too, allowing toxins and undigested food to enter the bloodstream, triggering systemic inflammation and symptoms like fatigue, joint pain and cognitive issues

  5. Finally, beneficial gut bacteria aid nutrient digestion and absorption. Their depletion can lead to deficiencies in essential vitamins and minerals, impacting overall health and energy

Crowding out is often more effective and safer

To recover, focus on restoring the gut microbiome using prebiotics from fibrous foods or supplements; probiotics and fermented foods; and cutting out inflammatory processed foods like sugar, refined carbs and seed oils.

I do testing to find out exactly what's going in the gut so a personalised food and supplement protocol can be created.