Menopause as wisdom and status WOMENS HEALTH, MINDSET, MENTAL HEALTHGutsy by Nutrition19 July 2024menopause, wisdom, womenComment
Menopause hormone repalacements can cause low hormone symptoms WOMENS HEALTH, MENOPAUSEGutsy by Nutrition30 June 2024hormonesComment
women are 5-8 times more likely than men to develop a slow thyroid, which rises in menopause WOMENS HEALTH, THYROID HEALTH, AGEING, AUTOIMMUNITYGutsy by Nutrition20 June 2024thyroid health, womens health, ageingComment
About hormone resistance WOMENS HEALTH, MENOPAUSEGutsy by Nutrition17 June 2024hormone resistance, hormonesComment
Women's brains change during menopause WOMENS HEALTH, MENOPAUSEGutsy by Nutrition10 June 2024brain health, women's brains, menopauseComment
The relationship between Lichen Sclerosis & oxalates AUTOIMMUNITY, WOMENS HEALTH, SKIN, MENOPAUSE, IMMUNITYGutsy by Nutrition6 June 2024lichen sclerosis, LS, autoimmunityComment
What foods increase oestrogen WOMENS HEALTH, WEIGHT MANAGEMENT, MENOPAUSEGutsy by Nutrition30 May 2024oestrogen, hormones, menopauseComment
how chemicals acting as hormones cause weight gain WEIGHT MANAGEMENT, WOMENS HEALTH, MENS HEALTH, MENOPAUSE, GENERAL HEALTHGutsy by Nutrition20 May 2024xeno-oestrogens, xeno-androgens, chemicals, weight gain, menopause, peri-menopauseComment
Vegetables and fruit stress your body to fight disease AGEING, CHRONIC ILLNESS, DETOXIFICATION, FAMILY HEALTH, FOOD AS MEDICINE, GENERAL HEALTH, WOMENS HEALTHGutsy by Nutrition15 May 2024hormesis, stressComment
Chronic stress leads to chronic disease CHRONIC ILLNESS, WOMENS HEALTH, STRESS, MENS HEALTH, MENOPAUSEGutsy by Nutrition13 May 2024stress, chronic stress, chronic illnessComment
How much protein do we need as we get older? AGEING, WOMENS HEALTH, MENS HEALTH, MENOPAUSEGutsy by Nutrition11 May 2024protein, weight management, ageingComment
Why your menopausal body has given you a wake up call WOMENS HEALTH, STRESS, MENOPAUSE, HORMONESGutsy by Nutrition9 May 2024wake up call, messages, signs and symptomsComment
Declining oestrogen in menopause can cause constipation WOMENS HEALTH, MENOPAUSE, GUT HEALTH, CHRONIC ILLNESSGutsy by Nutrition7 May 2024constipation, menopause, gutComment
Our gut microbiome impacts our weight: the twin study GUT HEALTH, FAMILY HEALTH, FOOD AS MEDICINE, WEIGHT MANAGEMENT, WOMENS HEALTHGutsy by Nutrition2 May 2024twin study, microbiome, weight managementComment
Which foods promote serotonin? WOMENS HEALTH, WEIGHT MANAGEMENT, MENOPAUSEGutsy by Nutrition28 April 2024serotonin, tryptophanComment
What makes us comfort eat in menopause? WOMENS HEALTH, WEIGHT MANAGEMENT, STRESS, GUT HEALTH, MENOPAUSEGutsy by Nutrition26 April 2024serotonin, dopamine, weight gain, oestrogenComment
Do our energy needs change as we get older? WOMENS HEALTH, WEIGHT MANAGEMENT, MENS HEALTHGutsy by Nutrition19 April 2024healthy ageing, weight managment, weight loss mistakesComment
What's your relationship with your body? WOMENS HEALTH, WEIGHT MANAGEMENT, MINDSETGutsy by Nutrition17 April 2024weight loss, Psych-K, self loveComment
Weight loss for better health? Or better health to lose weight? WOMENS HEALTH, WEIGHT MANAGEMENTGutsy by Nutrition12 April 2024weight loss, weight loss resistanceComment
An apple versus a multivitamin - which is best? CHILDRENS HEALTH, FAMILY HEALTH, FOOD AS MEDICINE, GENERAL HEALTH, MENS HEALTH, WOMENS HEALTHGutsy by Nutrition1 April 2024food is medicine, eat real foodComment