This is how childhood trauma can shape our health STRESS, MINDSET, PSYCH-KGutsy by Nutrition25 February 2025ACE test, trauma, Psych-K, HealingComment
Use these strategies to manage & heal from stress WOMENS HEALTH, STRESS, MINDSET, MENTAL HEALTH, PSYCH-KGutsy by Nutrition13 February 2025stress, HPA axis dysfunction, Psych-K, Mind-bodyComment
Psych-K is a breakthrough modality for stress STRESS, MINDSET, MENTAL HEALTH, PSYCH-KGutsy by Nutrition11 February 2025stress, chronic stress, Psych-K, Energy medicineComment
What's your relationship with your body? WOMENS HEALTH, WEIGHT MANAGEMENT, MINDSETGutsy by Nutrition17 April 2024weight loss, Psych-K, self loveComment
What you resist persists: My story MINDSET, WEIGHT MANAGEMENT, WOMENS HEALTHGutsy by Nutrition5 March 2024Psych-K, Mindset, Mind-bodyComment
Do you sabotage your own health? MENTAL HEALTH, MINDSETGutsy by Nutrition18 December 2023Psych-K, Self sabotage, MindsetComment