Do you sabotage your own health?

The subconscious mind is a powerful force that operates below the level of conscious awareness.

It's where we store our beliefs, emotions, memories, habits and automatic responses.

While not directly accessible to our conscious mind, it influences our behaviour, choices and health.

In fact, 95% of our thoughts are subconscious, and they can sabotage our health (note, your subconscious loves you and can mistakenly believe it’s helping)

  • Belief Systems – Our subconscious holds onto beliefs from past experiences, upbringing and society eg if someone believes they'll inevitably fall ill due to family history, this can manifest physically

  • Emotional Patterns – Unresolved emotions such as stress, fear, anger or sadness can live in our subconscious and trigger physiological responses that affect our health eg chronic stress lowers immunity and compromises digestion

  • Habits and Conditioning – Subconscious patterns drive habits that can be detrimental to our health eg emotional eating, smoking or excessive drinking

  • Self-Sabotage – The subconscious can act as a protective mechanism eg it might create health issues to prevent us from facing something it views as a threat like fear of success or change. These can manifest as a health problem to maintain the status quo

Addressing subconscious influences can be crucial for health and wellbeing.

It's about aligning our conscious intentions with the deeper layers of our mind to create harmony and support our health goals.

I use Psych-K to help remove subconscious blocks and safely reprogram beliefs into something you want. It truly works!