This is how childhood trauma can shape our health

Childhood trauma is shown in research to potentially have lifelong effects on our health, hormones and nervous system.

The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) test measures early life stress and its connection to chronic disease, mental health and even immune function.

High ACE scores have now been linked to

  • Chronic stress & HPA axis dysfunction

  • Autoimmunity & inflammation

  • Anxiety, depression & PTSD

  • Blood sugar & metabolic disorders

  • Cardiovascular disease & chronic pain

But how does childhood trauma shape our health?

Trauma rewires our nervous system, keeping our body in fight-or-flight (or freeze) mode, leading to dysregulated cortisol, gut issues and weakened immunity. Many people struggling with chronic conditions may not even directly, if at all, connect their childhood with unresolved trauma

But healing IS possible.

Trauma isn’t just in our past—it’s stored in the body. Through nervous system regulation, subconscious reprogramming (like Psych-K), nutrition and holistic support, we CAN break free from the patterns trauma created in us.

Taken the ACE test yet? Understanding our past is the first step to healing our future.