What you resist persists: My story

In our life we’re used to fighting, warring with our enemy, wrestling and struggling with our challenges - the world, really – whether that be our disease, our weight, fatigue, relationships, work, hormones, ageing, pain or loneliness … ourself!

For a while now I’ve been struggling to be the woman I both want to be, and to model this for others. It felt truly at odds with myself, not to mention frustrated. I knew something was going on.

So I did what’s known as a Psych-K relationship balance on myself (I’m an advanced practitioner).

I stood in the mirror, naked, and looked deep into my own eyes. And what I saw was shocking and saddening.

Part of me was loving, accepting and nurturing. Great!

But the rest of me was critical, judgemental and loved me conditionally, depending on how much I’d stuck to my goals and what I’d achieved. It was this constant critical voice and it was exhausting. No wonder I sought comfort from things that weren’t aligned with the real me.

I cried as I recalled that when I woke up in the mornings, my first thoughts were always how disappointed I was in my body and myself.

How awful is that!

So I balanced these two sides of me making my brain whole again.

The peace I’ve experienced since then has been profound. I truly do love myself unconditionally now, and most of all I feel calm to my core. My motivation has returned, and I’m now being my true loving self towards me and taking positive actions without struggle or willpower alone. I am aligned.

Towards others I’m also kinder and much more patient.

So rather than resist, forgive yourself, love yourself and accept yourself so you can move forward from a good place – the right place – without conflict and self loathing. The battle needs to end for us all.