Why your menopausal body has given you a wake up call

Have you had a wake up call regarding a health issue?

I have. It can be shocking.

When women hit perimenopause and after, their body changes and our past life reveals itself physically – it all comes home to roost.

This is because our adrenals have to step into the shoes of the ovaries and take over much of our hormone production.

If women are healthy, unstressed and have built resilience in their body, this is relatively easy for them to do. The transition to a post menopause life is easy and their health doesn't suffer.

They are stress adapted.

But if there's been a life of stress, less than optimal dietary choices at times and other health issues along the way, it can be difficult and lead to disease. This is because low oestrogen can lead to inflammation, a key factor in most disease!

This inflammation can manifest as many things like gut health problems, an inability to sleep, brain fog, depression, and chronic illnesses like autoimmune disease, blood sugar and metabolic disorders, arthritis, heart disease and more.

I had a wake up call recently for something existing well before I came a nutritionist.

Although my symptoms are minimal, and after all I was really just given a label for a set of signs and symptoms, it was still a shock - a message.

Now it's time for me to review things.

I'm getting more information via testing, revising my diet, making rest a priority, moving more, speeding up my weight loss, working on my nervous system and mindset, and doing an intense food and fasting based gut protocol.

I also bought myself a new dress and boots as a sign of self love.

Does this sound relatable?