Constipation – What can you do about it?
Immune-supporting protocol for viruses
The 3 most common patterns of gut dysbiosis (imbalances)
Sole (so-lay) water for low adrenals, histamines issues cramps and blood sugar stability
Healthy and delicious snacks
Faecalibacterium Prausnitzii is a biosensor of health
The gut-thyroid connection
The benefits of cold versus hot showers
When you can only eat a few foods
What microbiome mapping (stool testing) tells you
The cause and cure of hay fever
Fatigue versus energy
Histamine intolerance is not a dietary issue
The importance of Vitamin D to all our immunity
How your microbiota can cause UTIs
H Pylori – The stomach infection you may not even know you have
The serious impact environmental mould can have on your body
Excess oestrogen & toxicity might be caused by too much Beta-Glucuronidase
Dairy, inflammation, pain and healing
How the gut-brain axis helps determines our mood
BLOG, BEHAVIOURAL ISSUES, FAMILY HEALTH, GUT HEALTH, GENERAL HEALTH, MENTAL HEALTH, STRESSGutsy by Nutritionblog, gut-brain axis, gut health, brain health, mood, mental health, neuroinflammation, nutritional deficiencies, HTMA, microbiome mapping