When you can only eat a few foods

Do you react to so many foods that you’re down to eating a handful or two of the same types?

Are you scared to eat?

But do you also long for more variety in your diet? Not junk or sugary food even, just simple foods you know your body needs that would make eating so much more pleasurable.

There could be two things going on...

1. You have food sensitivities.

2. You’ve developed food allergies.

Both relate to your immune response.

With sensitivities, these can be caused by intestinal permeability – leaky gut – where your gut lining is damaged causing food and other unwelcome particles to get into your blood stream where your immune system reacts.

Sometimes food gets tagged as hostile because your body doesn’t recognise it. From then on, every time you eat it your immune system reacts. Inflammation is part of this immune response, and it can go systemic causing disease. This inflammation can even cross your blood-brain barrier, leading to inflammation and disease there that can show up as brain fog, memory issues and more.

The other reaction is where your gut immunity – where up to 80% of our innate immune system lies – becomes low from ongoing bacterial, viral, fungal and parasitic infections. These can be caused by a sub-optimal diet, drugs, alcohol and stress that lead to poor gut function.

Dendritic cells then step in. They're part of your adaptive immune system and think all food is bad, signalling to your to your body that it must respond, which causes an allergic response. From now on, histamines and mast cells flood your body whenever you eat these foods.

What should you do?

Find the root cause and resolve it.

This means…

  • Calming your immune system

  • Healing your gut

  • Eradicating infections

  • Building up good bacteria

  • Improving gut function e.g. digestive enzymes, stomach acid, reflux, liver congestion, gallbladder function, detoxification

You do this by eating a natural whole food diet. Think single foods not found in a packet.

To calm your immune system and resolve gut issues and infections, I use supplements strategically.

Also, movement along with stress management are key parts of the picture.