Do you get sick when you go on leave?

Are you someone who gets sick when you go on leave? Frustrating, right?

immunity & stress hormones

Your body's immune system is a complex network, constantly defending you against threats.

When you're stressed or overworked, your immune system can be heightened, working harder to keep you healthy. Your body releases stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline as part of your 'fight or flight' response. In the short term, these can enhance your body's ability to respond to immediate threats.

Then when you take time off and relax, your stress levels decrease and cortisol levels drop. This sudden decrease can make you temporarily more susceptible to infections. In fact, latent infections or viruses can surface and cause illness as you're no longer prepared to fight them off.

It's not that relaxation itself makes you sick, but the sudden change in stress levels and routines that can impact your immune system's immediate response.

your gut

And don't forget, 80% of your immunity lies in your gut, so ensuring good gut health is always going to support your immune health.