Is it even possible to heal damaged gut villi?

what are villi?

Villi are small, finger-like projections lining the small intestine that increase its surface area for efficient absorption of nutrients from digested food.

They’re part of your gut mucosa, the innermost layer of the gastrointestinal tract lining, which plays a crucial role as a protective barrier and in nutrient absorption, immune defence and maintaining a balanced microbiome.

Villi and your mucosa are commonly damaged with Coeliac disease, but also potentially from SIBO, Chron’s, Lyphoma and certain medications.

If your villi are damaged or completely flattened (total villous atrophy), nutrient deficiencies are par for the course along with lower body weight and failure to thrive.

Also, all-cause mortality is significantly reduced, so it matters…a lot!

What can you do to heal your gut villi and mucosa?

Research shows it’s possible to see significant improvement by

  1. Strictly adhering to a gluten free diet, especially if Coeliac, but even if not. Be vigilant about avoiding cross contamination, the biggest downfall to healing

  2. Avoiding other grains while healing as their proteins are similar to gluten and can cause cross-reactivity ie they mimic gluten resulting in a gluten-type reaction

  3. Healing foods include bone broth, apple pectin (sauce), lots of fibrous veggies and some fruit (prebiotics) ie follow an anti-inflammatory diet

  4. Taking supplements like l-glutamine, collagen, probiotics, Omega 3 fats, zinc, and strategic nutrigenomic supplements to upregulate your gut cell function

  5. Avoiding irritants like alcohol, drugs, chemicals, sugar and refined carbs

  6. Lowering stress, which causes intestinal permeability