Induce nitrogen oxide for health & healing

Nitrogen Oxide (NO) plays a crucial role in various physiological processes needed for health like vasodilation (blood vessel function), neurotransmission and immune function.

Exercise that increase it often involves specific strategies.

Elevated levels of NO during and after exercise have been associated with the following benefits

  • Vasodilation & circulation – NO helps dilate blood vessels, improving blood flow and oxygen delivery to tissues and muscles. Specific exercises, such as aerobic workouts or high-intensity interval training (HIIT), can stimulate its production

  • Reduction of reactive oxygen species (ROS) – ROS are natural byproducts of metabolism and exercise. While they play a role in cellular signaling, an excessive accumulation of ROS can lead to oxidative stress, damaging cells and tissues, and chronic disease. Nitric oxide can counteract ROS by acting as an antioxidant or by signaling other antioxidant mechanisms within the body

  • Anti-inflammatory – By regulating immune responses, NO can help modulate inflammation caused by exercise-induced stress, contributing to the overall reduction of oxidative damage

Strategies to naturally boost NO production through exercise involve activities that stimulate cardiovascular fitness such as aerobic exercises (running, cycling, swimming, walking) or interval training.

But breathing techniques like nasal breathing during exercise, and maintaining a balanced diet rich in nitrate-containing foods such as leafy greens and beets, are also powerful for NO synthesis. These can be done by people unable to leave their beds to also improve energy production.

Movement is a key part of our health and I have some great shortcuts for my clients!