Low HRV means you're in fight-or-flight mode

Heart Rate Variability (HRV) is a measure of the variation in time between consecutive heartbeats.

It reflects the heart's ability to respond to physiological and environmental stimuli, and is used as an indicator of autonomic nervous system (ANS) function and overall cardiovascular health.

I started measuring mine a couple of years ago, and it's been eye opening.


  • Indicates reduced variability in heart rate and is associated with stress, fatigue, overtraining, chronic illness eg diabetes, cardiovascular disease

  • Can be a sign of reduced autonomic nervous system adaptability, indicating possible chronic stress or a sympathetic stress

  • Is linked to an increased risk of adverse cardiovascular events and overall poorer health outcomes

  • Is associated with higher levels of stress, anxiety, depression

  • Tend to occur during deep sleep

HRV & Ageing

As we age, HRV declines due to natural ageing processes, lower physical fitness, and age-related health conditions.

How to Improve HRV

  • Exercise regularly, especially aerobic

  • Do yoga, tai chi, mindfulness, meditation, deep breathing, biofeedback

  • Get quality consistent sleep

  • Eat real food with plenty of vegetable and natural protein and fats, but no food 3-4 hours before bed

  • Lower/cut alcohol and caffeine

  • Hydrate

  • Avoid overtraining

  • Get sunlight, less artificial light

  • Do gratitude practices