What is MCAS – Mast Cell Activation Syndrome?

MCAS is Mast Cell Activation Syndrome.

Mast cells are part of our immune system, a type of white blood cell found throughout the body, especially in the skin, lungs, digestive system, reproductive organs. They play a crucial role in responding to pathogens and help regulate allergic reactions.

MCAS occurs when mast cells are activated excessively leading to the release of certain chemicals and mediators like histamine, prostaglandins and cytokines, even without an apparent threat or allergen.

This activation can be triggered by stress, environmental toxins, foods, medications, temperature changes, physical exertion etc..

Symptoms of MCAS commonly include

  • Skin reactions – hives, itching, flushing

  • Digestive issues – abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea

  • Respiratory problems – wheezing, shortness of breath

  • Cardiovascular symptoms – rapid heart rate, low blood pressure

  • Neurological symptoms – headaches, brain fog, anxiety

mcas and your gut

Your gut – including your microbiome composition and the integrity of your gut lining – can impact mast cell behaviour and activation, potentially influencing the onset and severity of MCAS.

resolving mcas

Resolving MCAS typically involves a combination of approaches

  1. Identifying and avoiding triggers that activate mast cells – this is VITAL

  2. Resolving gut issues

  3. Dietary modifications, short term while healing

  4. Natural (or other) antihistamines and mast cell stabilisers for symptoms and immune calming

  5. Stress management