H Pylori infections are linked to cancer, infertility & much more

I recently did some training with Dr Kiran Krishnan on Helicobacter Pylori, or H Pylori, a spiral-shaped bacteria that lives in two thirds of the world’s population.

In small amounts it can be beneficial, but becomes problematic when someone’s immune system is compromised and it proliferates.

This is problematic because H Pylori is a major cause of stomach ulcers, compromised digestion, and even stomach cancer and gastric lymphoma. It needs to be eradicated, and steps put into place to prevent reinfection.

H Pyrlori spreads through saliva, faeces, or contaminated food and water, and can run in families.

It’s insidious in terms of how it grows. It works against the body’s defence mechanisms by converting urea to ammonia and bicarbonate. This raises the stomach’s pH, making it more alkaline and less acidic, creating an optimal environment for it to flourish and continue eroding stomach tissue. Clever, nasty!

H Pylori can be tested using a urea breath test (gold standard), stool testing, endoscopy, or via blood testing (but this can indicate an historic as well as a current infection).

Possible signs and symptoms of an infection include

  • Bloating, belching, nausea and vomiting, abdominal discomfort/pain, heartburn, bad breath, ulcers, iron deficiency anaemia, diarrhoea, vomiting, fatigue, loss of appetite and gastritis

  • BUT, most people won’t even realise they have it!

But did you know that recently it has also been linked to

  • Infertility by increasing anti-sperm antibodies

  • Parkinson’s

  • Coronary artery disease

  • Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

  • Thyroiditis

  • Gut polyps

  • Dental cavities

 It does this in part by causing problems in your digestive system. This includes by

  • Creating LPS, a destructive inflammatory biproduct that can spread across your body

  • Negatively impacting your gut immune system, where most of our immunity lies, including by causing immune reactivity

  • This can lead to food sensitivities

  • It can also impact vascular health, possibly leading to atherosclerosis in your veins (plaquing)

Some people use PPIs (proton pump inhibitors) along with antibiotics (triple or quadruple therapy) to get rid of H Pylori. I have clients for whom this either hasn’t worked or who haven’t felt right since. It’s a myth to think that taking probiotics will rebuild gut bacteria wiped out by antibiotics.

Also, in addition to disrupting the microbiome, research shows that PPIs can increase the risk of getting a serious Clostridium difficile infection.  

For a mild H Pylori infection try

  • Drinking 1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar in a little water before meals

  • Eating lots of garlic, onions, oregano, ginger, thyme, basil and turmeric may be enough to eradicate it

  • Oil pulling with coconut oil can also help lower immune system stress

If not, I use herbal protocols to eradicate my clients’ H Pylori infections that have so far been 100% successful without causing microbiome destruction. Often the gut also needs healing, the microbiome needs support, and stomach acid must be increased (Pylori reduces this) to prevent reinfection.

Have you had HPylori excluded as a cause of your gut and other health issues?