High reveerse T3 may protect us from disease
When it's warranted, I like to do a complete thyroid test panel to find out what's going on with my clients' health at a deeper level.
Our thyroid and its hormones regulate our body's metabolism, energy levels, growth and development, influencing nearly every cell and organ system.
Reverse T3 (rT3) measures the inactive form of the thyroid hormone, indicating how our body regulates metabolism under stress by diverting energy away from active T3 production.
When rT3 is high, our metabolic rates slows & this can
Slow chronic illness - By conserving energy and reducing cellular demands. This is protective of infections, trauma, or chronic illness
Conserve energy - By redirecting energy towards healing and repair with illness, injury, or stress rather than high-energy activities
Regulate adrenals / cortisol - By entering 'survival mode', our body protects adrenal reserves, preventing exhaustion and reducing further stress-related damage
Improve nutrition / gut health - By improving nutrient absorption and decreasing gut permeability, systemic inflammation is reduced, immune function supported, and autoimmune flare-ups lowered
Preserve muscle - By protecting lean body mass and preventing muscle wasting
Limit pathogens - Many pathogens thrive in high-metabolic states, so elevated rT3 can inhibit the growth and spread of infections
Reduce oxidative stress - Lowering cellular turnover reduces oxidative stress and cell damage, protecting tissues from inflammation-related harm
Lessen autoimmune flares - By suppressing excessive immune reactions, providing a natural defence
Elevated rT3 functions can be a strategic protective mechanism our wise body invokes to conserve energy, enhance recovery and reduce stress-related damage during times of physiological strain