Clean your lymphatics for immune health and disease prevention

You’ve probably heard of lymphatic cleansing or drainage. People talk about it because a congested lymphatic system makes you prone to infections and disease, and some unpleasant symptoms.

This is because your lymphatic system is vital to your immune system. Its main role is to keep your fluid levels in balance while protecting you from infections, bacteria, cancers and other threats.

Your lymphatic system is similar to your circulatory system, but lymph vessels are smaller than your veins. Yet it has stop valves to ensure fluids flow to the right place, and includes organs like your tonsils, spleen, thymus and adenoids.

What causes this system to block up?

  1. Chronic stress

  2. Inflammation

  3. Digestive imbalances

  4. Dehydration

  5. Nutrient deficiencies e.g. iodine, magnesium, vit C

  6. Environmental toxins

  7. Sedentary lifestyle

Signs and symptoms of a toxic lymph system include

  • Fatigue

  • Joint/muscle pain

  • Headaches and brain fog

  • Skin issues

  • Swollen glands

  • Weight gain & cellulite

  • Chronic sinusitis, colds, sore throats/tonsils, ear issues

How can you detox your lymphatic system?

  • Saunas, including infrared

  • Baths with Epsom salts/essential oils

  • Red light therapy

  • Movement, including rebounding

  • Dry skin brushing

  • Hydration with clean water

  • Breath work (oxygen)

  • Massage

  • Supplement therapy

  • Hot/cold water therapy

And of course, always eat real food as it’s naturally detoxing!