The causes of weight loss resistance

With clients, I always address the root cause of weight gain.

Weight is a health issue and may involve multiple body systems. Our mind can also impact this. When we deal with these, health returns and weight comes and stays off.

But what about when someone is dieting and exercising and still can't lose weight?

The causes of this could be

  • Long-term, low-grade inflammation - this leads to hormone imbalances and resistance

  • Hormone imbalances - this can promote fat storage

I'll give you the example of the hormone insulin, which is involved in blood sugar management

  • Chronic inflammation from diet and lifestyle leads to insulin resistance. Insulin gets glucose into your cells

  • When your cells refuse glucose and your body can't use or metabolise it, your blood glucose levels rise

  • Higher blood glucose promotes fat storage (often as belly fat) as excess sugar has nowhere else to go

  • Your now altered metabolism slows down, which impacts your body's ability to lose weight

But the picture could be broader, involving you low or suboptimal levels of these hormones

  • Adiponectin, Grehlin, Insulin, Leptin and Cortisol, which all burn fat

  • Glucagon, HGH, Cortisol, Insulin and Leptin, which all cause weight gain

  • Your thyroid could also be involved

So what causes inflammation?

A high sugar and refined carbohydrate diet low in nutrients, processed vegetable oils, high stress, poor sleep, grain-fed meats, fish and dairy, a lack of movement, chronic infections, compromised gut health, and toxins.

Women, especially peri-menopausal, menopausal and post-menopausal ones, are often more challenged when it comes to weight loss resistance after years of stress and massive hormonal shifts.

What can you do about weight loss resistance?

There are many options. Finding the one that works best for you is key. This might include

  1. Fasting, including intermittent and fasting mimicking and feasting

  2. Reduced carbs diets

  3. Adjusting macronutrients - protein, fat, carbs

  4. HIIT exercise and resistance training

  5. Stress management - meditation, breathwork, nature

  6. Detoxification