Inflammation impacts ... everything!

Inflammation is linked to over 90% of disease, and especially chronic ones.

It can be behind memory loss and cognitive decline, weight gain, skin conditions and ageing, joint pain and mobility loss, loss of muscle tone, poor digestion, cardiovascular risk, insulin resistance.

Inflammation is an important immune response needed for healing.

But systemic, low-grade inflammation lasting for months or years causes many health issues. It creates damaging free radicals that lead to disease, not to mention significant ongoing pain and discomfort.

What causes inflammation?

  • Diet e.g. sugar, refined carbs, alcohol, excess oxalates, lack of fibre and nutrients

  • Stress

  • Poor sleep

  • Gut issues espy leaky gut

  • Toxins e.g. chemicals, mould, pesticides, heavy metals

  • Chronic infections e.g. gut bacterial, viral, parasitic, vector-bourne

To reverse inflammation, consider a multi-pronged approach

  • Reduce stress

  • Identify and overcome infections

  • Eat a balanced real food diet - whole foods as close to nature, avoiding sensitivities and allergies

  • Heal your gut

  • Detox environmental toxins like mould and chemicals

  • Resolve sleep issues

If you experience cravings while trying to improve your diet, there are ways to support your body through those e.g. minerals for sugar cravings. This blog here has more information.