You are not just what you eat
Sometimes resolving our gut health issues and improving our diet isn't enough – although this is...
Always a main driver of our health
A fundamental starting point in most people's healing journey
Usually were dysfunction began some time ago
In short, if we don't put the right fuel not our bodies, break it down properly and absorb it, how can we expect our cells to get what they need to function?!
But gut dysfunction and the wrong diet might already have created issues at the cellular level
At a metabolic or energy level, are your cells are making and utilising energy from fats and sugar and proteins
Does your body has the right B vitamins to do this - these are vital and commonly low
Do you have toxicity such as heavy metals impeding cell function and energy, how are your liver, gallbladder and kidneys functioning. Remember, we have three main detox phases and more pathways that can be hindered
Is there oxidative stress, meaning you don't have the nutrients to fight disease-causing free radicals such as glutathione
Do you have the right neurotransmitters providing resilience so you can manage stress and enjoy steady mood
And what are those gut microbes doing to your cells - they've been linked to metabolic disease including obesity and diabetes, colitis and non-alcohol fatty disease?
So, always begin with diet and gut health - this is fundamental.
But a deeper dive using urine testing can help resolve chronic fatigue, low energy, sleep issues, anxiety, long COVID and more. This testing shows the end results of the bio-chemical processes occurring in your cells. From there we can adjust your nutrient intake and improve your health.