The problem with detoxification
The 3 phases of detoxification
There are 3 phases of detoxification in the human body.
Phase I - Fat soluble toxins are turned into water-soluble substances using enzymes, mainly in the liver
Phase II - Toxic water-soluble substances are neutralised, making them non-toxic and even more water soluble via conjugation (attachment) in the liver mainly
Phase III - Excreting the neutralised substances facilitated by bile and fibre in the intestines, and the kidneys
What can go wrong with these detox processes?
A permeable gut barrier due to poor digestion, gut infections and food sensitivities allows toxins to be absorbed rather than excreted
The transformation of toxins into water soluble substances in Phases I and II may be compromised due to an unhealthy liver
This can cause a build up of toxins in fatty tissues like the nervous system and brain, possibly leading to health issues
Damaging free radicals (oxidants) that are normally produced in Phase I are not neutralised by anti-oxidants from the diet, potentially contributing to health issues • An unhealthy gut can mean toxins that are normally eliminated quickly are instead transported to the liver, further burdening this already hard-working organ
Poor bile function or insufficiency can mean it doesn’t help transport toxins from the body in Phase III • A lack of dietary fibre can also lead to compromised transport of toxins out of the body. Fibre is complex carbs like vegetables, fruits, whole grains and legumes
Similarly, low fibre can mean toxins are not excreted properly, stay in the system to long and are reabsorbed
An imbalanced and unhealthy gut microbiome can release toxins that leak through a permeable intestinal barrier, causing them to accumulate and be recirculated, thus contributing to inflammation and chronic health conditions
Typically, early signs of poor detoxification might include difficulty digesting fats, bad breath, environmental allergies, rashes, premenstrual cramping, low blood sugar, acne and difficulty losing weight.
How you can support healthy detoxification?
Eat nutrient-dense and fibre-rich real food i.e. whole foods as they’re found in nature vs processed and packaged ones containing chemicals
Drink clean, chemical-free and mineral-rich water • Clean up your home and work environment i.e. ensure fresh air, eradicate mould and reduce toxic cleaning agents and furniture
Resolve gut health issues, including inadequate food breakdown and nutrient absorption, leaky gut, poor liver and bile function, gut infections such as bacterial, fungal and parasitic via testing and gut correcting supplement protocol
Stop putting toxic foods into your body and eat chemical free or organic foods that don’t destroy your gut flora and add to your toxic burden
Stop using toxic self-care products that go directly into your blood stream bypassing your liver