Thoughts, beliefs & emotions impact our energy systems, affecting our health & vitality

Thoughts, beliefs and emotions are powerful forms of energy that have a profound impact on our mental, emotional and physical health.

Science shows that these intangible forces manifest as electrical, chemical and vibrational energy in our brain and body, influencing our wellbeing.


  • Are ELECTROMAGNETIC ENERGY. Impulses travel through neurons in our brain, creating patterns of activity. These influence brain chemistry, releasing neurotransmitters that impact our mood, cognitive functions and physical health

  • Thoughts and beliefs shape NEURAL CONNECTIONS in our brain. Positive thoughts create pathways for healing, well-being and growth. Negative thoughts reinforce pathways of stress, anxiety and chronic illness

  • Thoughts also generate ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS that influence our energy systems. Quantum biology says thoughts even interact with our body at a subatomic level, influencing cellular function and overall health


  • Are deeply ingrained THOUGHT PATTERNS that shape how we perceive ourselves and the world. Both positive and negative ones create energetic patterns that impact our body’s stress response, immune system and well-being


  • Are strong ENERGY FORCES that impact our chemistry, energy fields and health via external stimuli, or internal thoughts or beliefs

  • Our brain releases chemicals and HORMONES with emotions eg cortisol (stress) with negative emotions eg anger, and endorphins and oxytocin (feel-good) with positive ones eg joy. These impact our heart rate, immune function and mood

  • Our HEART and BRAIN communicate with each other through a strong electromagnetic field. When harmony between these is disrupted by chronic stress or negative emotions, physical health problems occur like cardiovascular disease

The connection between thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and our body’s energy systems underscores the mind-body relationship. Healing techniques like Psych-K help can reprogram limiting beliefs and shift emotional energy, aligning the mind and body with positive health outcomes