What are the root causes of high histamines?

A functional, or holistic,health approach to high histamines focuses on identifying and addressing root causes rather than masking symptoms. It aims to improve our body’s ability to metabolise and regulate histamines naturally.

Key areas to rebalance include

  • Our GUT plays a key role in breaking down histamines through the enzyme diamino oxidase (DAO). Leaky gut or dysbiosis can reduce DAO and lead to histamine buildup. Strategies include healing the gut with zinc and weak bone broth, restoring the gut microbiome balance, and removing irritants like gluten

  • Poor METHYLATION can cause its accumulation. B vitamins support methylation and histamine metabolism. Also, impaired liver function can hinder histamine breakdown. NAC or milk thistle may help

  • Histamine-producing FOODS like aged cheeses and sauerkraut are high in histamines. But avoiding these foods is not enough. Improving DAO production through supplements like DAO enzymes, Vitamin C, and B6 are needed

  • STRESS increases histamines due to elevated cortisol. Chronic stress triggers pro-inflammatory substances, exacerbating histamine intolerance. Psych-K, meditation, yoga, or adaptogens like rhodiola can help

  • OESTROGEN helps break down histamine. Oestrogen dominance OR low levels eg during menopause, can worsen histamine intolerance. Eating phytoestrogens like seeds and non-GMO soy, and supplements like DIM can help

  • Food SENSITIVITIES/ ALLERGIES can trigger histamine release from mast cells. Testing for these, short-term elimination diets, and stabilising mast cells with diet, quercetin or DAO supplements can be key

  • GENETICS influence histamine metabolism, and variations in genes like DAO can lead to histamine buildup.Testing helps tailor a personalised plan

  • ENVIRONMENTAL toxins like mould and heavy metals can disrupt the body's detoxification systems, impairing histamine breakdown. Address exposure, and support detoxification