2 ways to reduce the impact of sugar and refind carbs

Here are 2 effective ways to reduce the negative impact of sugar and refined carbohydrates on the body by reducing stress hormones and preventing weight gain.

This doesn't mean a sugar free for all, but these tactics can help if you have a treat

  1. Exercise – Cortisol rises when we eat. It particularly rises when we eat sugar, including refined carbs. Research shows that exercise helps lower cortisol levels, improving the body's ability to handle a rush of glucose effectively, and preventing it from being stored as inflammatory fat. Doing a little exercise after any meal helps prevent weight gain and improves blood sugar levels, but especially after eating sugar

  2. Eat fibre – Eating fibre-rich plant foods like vegetables, fruit, legumes, nuts and seeds, and whole grains, or taking a supplementary version, can help slow the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream, preventing rapid spikes and crashes in blood sugar levels. This also helps reduce the body's production of cortisol, as fluctuations in blood sugar levels can trigger the release of stress hormones, also promoting weight gain

If we have a treat but want to reduce its impact, we could go for a walk, do 50 squats on the spot, and/or have some of the good stuff with it eg we could add blueberries to that bowl of ice cream, or have a side salad