Research reveals a link between Lichen Sclerosis & Lyme Disease

Research has discovered a link between Borrelia - the bacteria responsible for Lyme disease from tick bites - and the inflammatory autoimmune disease, Lichen Sclerosis (LS).

In fact, studies have found Borrelia DNA in skin biopsy samples from LS patients, suggesting a possible infectious component to the condition. A 2008 study found Borrelia DNA in 36% of LS patients, but not in controls!

Its presence might trigger an immune response leading to inflammation and tissue changes. Chronic Borrelia infection could cause ongoing immune activation, resulting in the autoimmune features of LS. The body could be attacking the Borrelia, and not intentionally attacking itself.

Where Borrelia is a trigger for LS, Lyme disease treatment might benefit LS patients. Common Lyme confections would also need to be tested and dealt with. This can be done using antibiotics or natural medicine.