What hinders bio-transformation (detoxification)?
what is biotransformation?
Biotransformation, or metabolism, is the chemical modification of substances within the body to make them more easily excreted.
This is important for detoxification, nutrient metabolism, hormone regulation, drug metabolism and the elimination of waste products.
Factors that can compromise bio-transformation (detoxification)
Biotransformation and detoxification pathway impairment e.g. low amino acids, genetic variants like COMT, CYP, MTHFR), fatty liver, poor gallbladder function
Inadequate methylation e.g. insufficient B vitamins caused by low stomach acid or digestive enzymes, a vegan diet, chronic stress, low vegetable intake, oral contraception
Fatty liver, common with obesity, insulin resistance, Type 2 diabetes, chronic excess alcohol intake
Low bile production, gallstones, a missing gallbladder
High beta-glucuronidase, a bacterial enzyme elevated in gut dysbiosis, that can enable oestrogen reabsorption
Constipation causing poor clearance of toxins from the gut
Poor sulfation, a detox pathway
Glutathione insufficiency, vital for protecting the body from oxidative stress
Bio-transformation is something that challenges our bodies given unfortunate toxicity levels in our environment. Those who grow to 100+ years old have been found to have superior processes - interesting!