What does stomach acid do?
Stomach acid is important.
But many of us have insufficient levels, potentially leading to...
reflux, GERD, heartburn
silent reflux
nausea with vomiting
hair loss
Lowering levels happens naturally to some extent with age, but often it's caused by...
eating a diet high in sugar and refined carbs diet, and processed seed oils
taking drugs, including antacids and PPIs
stress, stress, stress
an H Pylori stomach infection
gut infections
food sensitivities
hiatal hernia, and more
What can you do about this?
Eat a moderate carb whole food diet, cutting out sugar, refined carbs and processed vegetable oils
Take Betaine HCl and pepsin with meals, or sip apple cider vinegar just before you eat. You may need to do some gut healing first
Resolve gut infections
Reduce and manage stress e.g. with yoga, breathwork, being in nature, mindfulness, meditation, dance, exercise etc