Nutrigenomics – Truly personalised medicine

What is nutrigenomics?

It’s the interaction of nutrition with genes, and it’s focused on the prevention or treatment of disease.

I’ve been using it lately to crack some complex health cases. Functional nutrition and medicine is all about the body’s systems and puzzling how they interact to create disease in different people.

But using nutrigenomics is next level, and I’ve been using it with clients who have PANS, chemical sensitivity, mould illness, autoimmunity and MECFS.

Many gene tests are available and have different focuses. To get a deep picture, I often use one that tests 2,000 variants. Many test 60 to 200 and miss out on some key information such as iron usage.

How does it work? How do you work out what gene variant is impacting your health or not?

I’ll give you an example of how your genes might impact your IMMUNITY via your nutrition.

Your genes can impact your ability to uptake and utilise

  • Vitamins A, B12, C, D (potentially big impact), as well as histamines, antioxidants, and detoxification (phase 2)

I’ll pick the example of VITAMIN D, which plays a big role in your immune response, as well as bone and muscle health, and mood.

Genetic variants, or SNPs, can lead to

  • An increased risk of a vit D deficiency

  • Reduced responses to vit D

  • Increased susceptibility to autoimmune disease

  • Lower vit D levels

If I see a client with immune compromise indicated by their diagnosis or signs and symptoms, Vit D genetic variants and low blood levels, I will know their gene variant is expressing. On that basis I might guide them to spend an appropriate amount of time in the sun and supplement with Vit D3 in the long term to improve their health and maintain adequate levels.

Gene variant ➕ testing ➕ signs and symptoms = more pieces of your health puzzle!

Just imagine how you might use this to resolve your chronic inflammation, fatigue, insomnia, blood sugar problems, hormonal imbalances, cardiovascular isuses or more by supporting your weak areas, using nutrition and supplementation, and resolving health problems, step by step.