Save me from the Silly Season

Healthy Christmas tips

It’s December and the Christmas parties are in full swing. At the same time, many of us are rushing to finish things off before we take leave.
Here are some simple and practical tips I hope will help get you through the next month without losing sight of your health. I’ve kept them short and to the point...

  1. Eat mindfully, and by that I mean listen to your body’s cues and eat consciously, relishing every mouthful of any treats you choose to eat. It’s not now or never with food. And remember that eating more or too much won’t make you feel any better.

  2. If you have a blow out, practice intermittent fasting, eat less the next day, replace a meal or with a vegetable-filled smoothie or vegetable juice.

  3. Think through what’s happened other Christmases with your food and alcohol intake, and work out your vulnerabilities. Make a plan and mentally prepare yourself this year. Are your triggers around family or friends, or indulging in alcohol or sugar? What can you do instead? What kind words can you tell yourself?

  4. Listen to your body and what it needs. For example, does it need to take a break from food altogether? Unless you have low blood sugar, you could try intermittent fasting for 16 hours from dinner to lunch the next day.

  5. Hydrate with clean water. Drink 2-3 litres a day, every day. This will support all your body systems and help keep you regular. Remember, drink two additional glasses per cup of coffee, tea or serve of alcohol.

  6. This brings me to alcohol. Remember to keep hydrated, have some alcohol-free days, but most of all, drink consciously. How many drinks do you really need? Don’t just drink to be part of the crowd.

  7. Keep up your vegetable intake. This will keep you regular, feed your body the good things it needs to detox and maintain health, and create some balance in your meals. Eating good protein and fats will stop you bingeing on sugar.

  8. Get sufficient sleep and rest. Delegate if necessary. Let any perfectionist tendencies go a little.

  9. Keep moving for at least 30 minutes a day.

  10. Try and eat home-made food rather than shop-bought processed foods. You will know and be able to control what’s in it, and won’t have all the nasty additives.

  11. Find some time for you. Go for a swim or walk, do some relaxation, go to the gym, dance around the house to your favourite music. Whatever YOU feel like.

  12. Taking a good multivitamin (with nothing synthetic like folic acid) and spore-forming probiotic can help make your gut flora happier.

With Holiday good tidings xo