Calcium supplementation alone does not strengthen bones

Calcium supplementation is widely known to support bone health

But calcium alone is not enough to effectively strengthen bones. This is because our body's ability to use calcium for bone building and maintenance depends on vitamins K2 and D3.

Calcium is the building block of our bones, making up a significant portion of their structure and providing the density and strength to support the skeleton.

But vit D3 plays a vital role in calcium metabolism by enhancing its absorption in the intestines and good blood levels. Without sufficient vitamin D3, the body may not be able to absorb and use it effectively. This can lead to calcium deficiency, even with supplementation, and prevent the calcium from reaching our bones where it's most needed.

Vit K2 directs calcium to the bones and away from soft tissues like arteries, where calcium deposits can lead to cardiovascular problems (plaquing). It effectively locks the calcium into our bone structure.

Of course strength training, diet and gut health matter a lot too!

So for optimal bone health, calcium must work in synergy with vits D3 and K2. Taking calcium alone without these vitamins can be ineffective and potentially harmful. For all of this to work, our gut needs to be functioning well