Drinking lemon and vinegar aids weight loss

Citric acid (found in lemons) and acetic acid (found in vinegar) support weight loss as part of a broader strategy. This is how.

Citric acid (lemon)

  • Increases satiety or feelings of fullness by slowing down the digestion of food and reducing overall calorie intake

  • Stimulates digestive enzyme production, potentially resulting in better nutrient absorption, and the reduction of bloating and discomfort

  • Lemons are rich in vitamin C and other antioxidants that can reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, often associated with weight gain and metabolic issues

  • Lemons also have a thermogenic effect, meaning they may slightly increase the body’s calorie-burning rate.

Acetic acid (vinegar):

  • Improves insulin sensitivity and lowers blood sugar spikes after meals. Stable blood sugar levels prevent cravings and overeating

  • Enhances feelings of fullness, leading to reduced calorie intake

  • May increase the expression of genes involved in fat oxidation and reduce the storage of belly fat

  • Increases the production of an enzyme called AMPK, which boosts fat burning, and decreases fat and sugar production in the liver

  • Can improve the digestion and the absorption of nutrients. Better digestion means more efficient energy use and potentially less fat storage

how to have lemon & vinegar

  1. Start your day with a glass of warm lemon water to support detoxification and kickstart your metabolism. You can also sip 1-2 glasses of water with 1/2-1 lemon juice daily, and use it in salad dressings and marinades.

  2. Sip 1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar in 1/2 glass with water with meals, and also add to salad dressings, even pouring it over steamed veggies.