For detoxing, how to infrared saunas and steam rooms compare?

seeking detoxification, including from mould mycotoxins

Both infrared saunas and steam rooms may aid detoxification, including mould mycotoxins and heavy metals, although research is limited.

With increased blood flow and heat, toxins may mobilise into the bloodstream where they’re excreted via sweat, the skin being a detox organ.

Infrared saunas and steam rooms operate in different ways and have distinct effects.

Infrared Saunas use infrared heaters that emit radiant heat directly to the body. This can induce sweating and help removal of toxins via the skin.

infrared saunas

Penetrate deeper into the skin, potentially facilitating deeper detoxification

May help muscle relaxation, pain relief, circulation

Operate at lower temperatures, making it more tolerable for some

steam rooms

Steam Rooms create a humid environment by producing steam from heated water. This moist heat causes sweating, opening up pores and aiding detoxification.

The humid environment can be beneficial for respiratory issues

The steam can open pores and promote the removal of toxins thru sweating

Can reduce stress

But may irritate the eyes

the verdict

While both infrared saunas and steam rooms might have potential detoxification benefits, the primary mechanisms of detoxification in our body occur through the liver, kidneys and other metabolic processes, and not just through sweating.

That said, I regularly use both saunas and steam for mould illness and general health for me and my clients, as well as Epsom salts baths for oxalate detoxification and sleep/relaxation. These practices make me and my clients feel better, often making a notable difference when someone is in the depths of CIRS or mould illness.