Does ME/CFS (chronic fatigue) begin in the gut?

I’m going to get nerdy here. Two recently published, well-conducted studies (using 3 measuring techniques) found that

  • “Microbiome changes may be a signature for ME/CFS” (a fatigue-inducing post-viral reaction like Long Covid)

  • And more specifically that “deficient butyrate-producing capacity in the gut microbiome of ME/CFS Syndrome patients is associated with fatigue symptoms”

  • In summary “these findings provide unique insights into the role the microbiome plays in the disease and suggest that certain differences in gut microbes could serve as biomarkers for ME/CFS”

So what does this mean for the 17-million people worldwide suffering from ME/CFS fatigue, and possibly those with fibromyalgia and Long Covid?

The gut is a command and control centre of our body, working closely with our brain, yet it has more neurotransmitters than the brain. Healing it is a starting point for better health, including for anyone with chronic health conditions.

But this information means we now have more specific ideas on what to do.

Interestingly, Health Rising reports “the key finding from both studies concerned low … butyrate-producing bacteria, with the Guo study highlighting low levels of several bacterial species (Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, Eubacterium rectale).”

Faecalibacterium prausnitzii (FP) is a well-known bio-sensor of human health and prolific butyrate producer. I’ve seen many clients with ME/CFS, Long Covid or simply post-Covid, with this species wiped out.

How do you rebuild FP bacteria and butyrate (something I always do with clients anyway)?

With fibre

Your beneficial bacteria ferment it, and in the process produce butyrate ie a gut-healing, immune-supporting fatty acid critical to overall health.

I’m not talking about a few veggies with dinner or a bit of salad with lunch. I’m talking at least 7 cups or 25g for adults, of mostly veggies and some fruit, and/or if you tolerate them, legumes, nuts and seeds, and whole grains. But be careful of anti-nutrient totals each day like lectins and oxalates as they can make you very sick.

You can also supplement fibre, but you need the right mix of soluble and insoluble types.