What's wrong with ultra-processed 'foods'?

Ultra-processed ‘foods’ (UPFs) are industrial formulations masquerading as food.

Typically they’re made from cheap industrial ingredients and additives. They also undergo extensive processing, often using sophisticated techniques and chemicals to create supposedly convenient and ready-to-eat or heat products.

Some common examples of ultra-processed foods include sugary/artificially sweetened drinks, ready-made meals, vegan burgers and more.

But when you think about it, there’s nothing convenient about these foods causing health issues and making you feel terrible.

Why are UPFs bad for our health? They’re…

  1. Nutrient poor – High in calories but low in the essential nutrients found in whole, minimally processed foods

  2. High in added sugars & unhealthy fats – Including added sugars, unhealthy fats and commercial salt that are linked to obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease

  3. Contain additives & preservatives: Such as additives, preservatives, colourings, flavourings, emulsifiers and stabilisers. Many cause reactions

  4. Low in fibre – Lack fibre found in whole foods, contributing to constipation and other gut problems

  5. Highly palatable – Combined high sugars, fats and salt can make them addictive. This, combined with nutrient malnutrition, can lead to over-consumption and contribute to weight gain and more

  6. Mental health: Research shows a link between a diet high in ultra-processed foods and an increased risk of mental health issues, including depression

So what’s the solution?

Eat a diet of mainly nutrient dense, whole foods as they come in nature, with as little human intervention as possible. Also, drink clean water!