Nutrigenomics - putting food first

Nutrigenomics is the science of how food molecules are signals that talk to your genes, which live in your cells and promote either health or disease, depending on what you eat.

Food comes first because it’s these food-derived molecules that activate switches in your cells, and these molecules talk to the DNA within your genes to switch on or off protective processes. In other words, the foods you choose to eat can change how your genes are expressed, either protecting them from damage, or damaging them.

Your genes are important because they carry instructions that tell your cells how to work and grow. And your cells are vital because you have billions of them, and form the building blocks of your brain and heart, blood and bones.

We evolved alongside healthy food, and its messages are ones your body knows well and loves after thousands of years of evolution.

But when you feed your cells manufactured and hyper-processed fake foods, sugar and refined carbs, chemicals, and unstable fats ie if you eat a modern Western diet, these messages instead tell your body to inflame and stress, often leading to disease. Your body no longer has the nutrients to defend itself, and your genes behave badly, even the normally good ones.

So with what research now proves, it’s not accurate to say your diet doesn’t matter, or is not important to your health.

That doesn't mean you can't help your body to restore balance, or homeostasis, which your body is always seeking. Certain functional food molecules have been identified as having highly beneficial effects on human health, including especially for people with chronic disease.

But although vitamins and minerals are essential for health, what’s been overlooked until recently is that food contains thousands of other molecules that play key roles in your health.

It's never too late to do some healing. Here are some foundational yet powerful things you can do to improve your cellular and genetic health

  • Eat real food, as close to nature as possible

  • Eat plenty of fibre, mainly from non-starchy veggies and some colourful fruits, with a balance of good fat (not processed seed oils), and natural protein (not hyper-processed)

  • Drink plenty of clean water

  • Get quality sleep

  • Actively manage stress

  • Move regularly

  • Avoid chemicals and over the counter drugs where possible

While this is a powerful start, you may also need nutrient correction to restore the normal function of your organs, systems and body.