Healing from CIRS – have you dealt with MARCoNS?

Multiple Antibiotic Resistant Coagulase Negative Staphylococci - marcons

MARCoNS (Multiple Antibiotic Resistant Coagulase Negative Staphylococci) is a type of antibiotic-resistant bacteria that can colonise the nasal passages.

It’s commonly associated with chronic sinusitis, immune issues and other health problems.

This nasal infection frequently accompanies mould exposure, or mould illness (CIRS).

In a mould protocol that detoxes your body of mould colonisation, mould myctoxins, fungal infections, a mould allergy (common), and/or heavy metals, dealing with this infection should be the last step.


Because if you don’t deal with MARCoNS, the infection can recolonise your body, creating ongoing immune and health problems, and preventing recovery.

These are the ways that eradicating MARCoNS can improve your health

  • Preventing Gut Recolonisation and ongoing bacterial infections

  • Lowering the Immune System Burden and allowing full recovery

  • Healing Chronic Sinusitis and all symptoms

  • Reducing Inflammation and the immune symptom burden

How do you get rid of MARCoNS?

Natural ways that are not antibiotic resistant include using a colloidal silver spray, Xlear, Citridrops and/or a compounded antibiotic mix to overcome antibiotic resistance.

Taking a comprehensive and tailored approach to healing completely from mould illness or CIRS is vital. That means dealing with ALL infections and toxicity found via testing.

But of course you MUST leave the mouldy environment and all infected permeable and semi-permeable goods behind you to allow your body to heal.