Low oestrogen in menopause can cause weight gain & belly fat

In menopause, oestrogen levels drop considerably.

Oestrogen plays a protective role, and when it lowers, it’s easy to gain weight and/or for body fat to redistribute to the belly via

  1. Metabolism: Oestrogen helps regulate metabolism or energy use. When levels decline, your metabolic rate can slow, meaning your body burns fewer calories, making it easier to gain weight if your calorie intake stays the same

  2. Fat Distribution: As oestrogen lowers, fat tends to accumulate in the abdominal area, leading to an increase in dangerous visceral fat that surrounds organs, potentially causing chronic diseases like cardiovascular ones and type 2 diabetes

  3. Appetite Regulation: Oestrogen helps regulate hunger and satiety hormones in the brain. As it declines, these signals can be disrupted, leading to increased appetite and cravings for calorie-dense foods. This change in eating behaviour can lead to weight gain

  4. Insulin Sensitivity: Oestrogen also helps maintain insulin sensitivity, essential for the efficient uptake of glucose by cells. As oestrogen decreases, insulin sensitivity can decrease, leading to higher blood sugar levels. Elevated blood sugar can trigger greater fat storage

  5. Loss of Lean Muscle Mass: With age and hormonal changes, there’s a natural loss of lean muscle mass. It burns more calories at rest than fat tissue. As muscle mass decreases, your basal metabolic rate or BMR also declines, further contributing to weight gain if calories are not lowered

  6. Impact on Sleep: Hormonal changes in menopause can disrupt sleep, leading to poor sleep quality. A lack of sleep is linked to weight gain as it can affect hunger-regulating hormones, and lead to increased appetite and altered eating behaviours.

There are things you can do to reverse menopausal weight gain and belly fat.

You can also increase oestrogen naturally, resolve your blood sugar imbalances, improve your metabolism and thyroid health, build muscle, eat the right foods, improve your sleep and more.