The link between low stomach acid & difficulty losing weight

Hypochlorhydria, or inadequate stomach acid, can make losing weight difficult.

Low stomach acid is common and is caused by stress, sugar and refined carbs, drugs, PPIs, ageing, alcohol, and more.

These are the ways it makes weight loss more challenging

  • Good stomach acid levels are the gateway to digestive health in multiple ways.

  • When food is not fully broken down it can't be absorbed properly, meaning your body is unable to get essential nutrients. Deficiencies can result in key nutrients involved in metabolism and hormone regulation like vitamin B12 and magnesium. This can disrupt metabolic pathways and hormone signaling, affecting energy, metabolism and weight loss.

  • Stomach acid is also a primary defence mechanism against ingested pathogens, parasites and bacteria. Hypochlorhydria can allow overgrowths of these in the stomach and intestines, disrupting the balance of our gut microbiota. This in turn is associated with metabolic dysfunction, inflammation and weight gain.

  • Hypochlorhydria may also be associated with elevated levels of the hormone ghrelin, which stimulates appetite and promotes food intake. Elevated ghrelin can also reduce feelings of satiety, making it difficult to control food intake.

  • Finally, stomach acid is involved in the digestion of carbohydrates. Low levels can lead to fluctuations in blood sugar levels and insulin sensitivity. Dysregulated insulin levels can promote inflammatory fat storage and hinder weight loss.

In short, hypochlorhydria can create metabolic and digestive imbalances that make it difficult to lose weight.

Hypochlorhydria can be addressed through dietary modifications, lifestyle changes, having apple cider vinegar before meals, and supplementation, but stomach healing may be required first.