Microbiome Smoothie

Microbiome smoothie-2.png

What's a Microbiome Smoothie?

It's a smoothie designed to grow and sustain healthy gut bacteria in your colon.

Good bacteria matters because your colon has limited real estate, and either good bacteria that support your health and wellbeing will take up residence there, or bad bacteria that create disease and mental health issues will.

Fibre, or the part of plants your body can't digest, is fermented by good bacteria providing food for your gut lining cells where your immunity lies, plus important vitamins are created and barrier integrity is maintained.

The greater the diversity of plant foods you eat, which should be mainly vegetables and fruit, the greater your diversity of good bacteria and better your health.

Also, this smoothie is high in antioxidants that support your cells' ability to fight disease and keep clean and healthy.

If using this recipe as a meal replacement, you can add in proteins, detoxifying green powders and good fats.


Gluten, dairy and grain free. Paleo, AIP, vegetarian, vegan

Make low histamine, low oxalate and AIP by choosing compliant vegetables and fats

preparation time

5 mins

cooking time

2 mins


2 glasses


1 cup frozen organic blueberries or other

1/2 cup ice made with filtered or spring water

1 cup coconut water, or coconut milk for a milky texture, or a nut milk, or water, alkaline broth (recipe here)

1 1/2 cups greens eg kale, cos lettuce, silver-beet, rocket, celery, bok choy, fresh herbs such as parsley, basil or coriander

1/2 avocado, or 1/4 cup nuts / seeds, or 1 tbsp coconut / olive oil (this is important for a creamier texture)

1 tsp sweetener such as rice malt syrup or honey, optional

Optional additions: green powder (detoxing), turmeric (anti-inflammatory), collagen (protein, skin and gut healing), isolate protein powder (protein), probiotic powder


  1. Wash, cut into chunks and blend, adding water for a more watery consistency if needed