Ultimate tasty green juice
This green juice makes many nutrients, disease-fighting antioxidants and digestive enzymes readily available to your body in a concentrated and easy-to-absorb form. It’s especially great for people who don’t eat enough vegetables and fruit, and helps with detoxification. Contains No amylose and is Low histamine without the spinach.
Preparation Time
5 mins
Cooking Time
8 mins
2 lge glasses
Choose organic green leafy vegetable where possible. Wash non-organic vegetables in water with a little cider vinegar
Cos lettuce is high in folate and Vit A. Spinach is high in calcium, potassium, magnesium, Vit A, Vit K, folate as are silverbeat and swiss chard. Bok choy is high in Vits A, C, K, beta carotene and contains selenium. Parsley is a a digestive aid and natural breath freshener, contains lots of Vit A, copper and manganese, has 3 x more vitamin C than oranges and 2 x more iron than spinach. Ginger and turmeric are anti-inflammatory
1 apple *
5 stalks celery
½ cucumber
1 cup tightly packed leafy greens—kale, cos lettuce, spinach, bok choy, silverbeet / swiss chard **
¼ bunch parsley
½ lemon
Knob of ginger and / or turmeric
* Choose green apples for antioxidants, red apples to reduce bad cholesterol and lower blood pressure
** All greens are high in phytonutrients, which fight cancer
Wash ingredients thoroughly
Put through juicer, putting the leafy greens through with the celery