Best anti-inflammatory juice

Apple Carrot Lemon Turmeric Ginger Juice

Adding anti-inflammatory herbs, ginger and turmeric to a palatable and cleansing base of carrot, apple and lemon makes this juice great for reducing aches and pains, swollen joints and fevers.

Preparation Time

5 mins

Cooking Time

5 mins


2 lge juices


If you clean the juicer immediately, the pulp will come away easier


2 apples

2 med - lge carrots 

1 lemon, peel on if organic, peel off if not

1 knob fresh ginger, 2.5 cm or 1 in

1 knob fresh turmeric, 2.5 cm or 1 in


  1. Wash and cut ingredients into juice-sized pieces

  2. Put through juicer

  3. Mix well and drink immediately for maximum goodness, over ice if desired