What to eat instead of bread

Bread alternative pumpkin burger

I’m frequently asked, ‘What can I eat instead of bread?’ For many people, it’s a staple.

But in the journey for improved health, some people need to cut out gluten, wheat and grain bread, at least for a while.


First, most bread, even so-called wholegrain or wholemeal bread, is made from refined carbohydrates, affecting the body negatively in the same way that eating sugar does. Second, wheat and gluten are common allergens or triggers that impact everyone’s gut negatively to some degree.

Yet we’re so used to eating bread that it’s hard to know at first how to replace it. Here are some practical solutions:

  • Replace sandwiches with raw and cooked salads containing starchy vegetables like sweet potatoes, other vegetables, protein and some healthy fat. This becomes normal after a while

  • Coconut wraps (made from 100% coconut flour) are a delicious and practical low-GI alternative

  • You can buy or easily make Paleo bread that’s grain-free and lo-carb using flours such as nut or coconut flours. There are plenty of recipes online but be cautious of eating too much arrowroot or tapioca, which can give you a blood sugar rush

  • Use iceberg or cos (romaine) lettuce as wraps

  • Toasted sliced pumpkin or sweet potato (put in the toaster on high for 4-5 rounds) is a delicious, quick and easy bread substitute

  • Create burgers or stacks using meat patties or vegetables instead of a bun. This might be cooked mushrooms, capsicum or eggplant

  • Hollow out cooked whole sweet potato and fill for a yummy burrito

  • Hollow out a cucumber and fill with your protein of choice