Warming hemp seed porridge

Hemp seed porridge

Hemp seeds are super healthy. They’re high in protein, essential Omega 3 and 6 fats, prebiotic fibre to feed your good gut bacteria and GLA (an important building block for some prostaglandins or hormone-like chemicals that help control inflammation).

They’re also low in carbohydrates, suppress your appetite and are good for your hair skin and nails. When added to flax and chia seeds, this breakfast should keep you going all day. It’s keto, paleo, lo-carb, vegetarian and vegan. Enjoy.


4 mins


8 mins


2 serves


Dairy and Gluten free, Paleo, Vegetarian


2 cups non-dairy milk, almond, macadamia or coconut etc

1 cup hemp seed hearts (hulled hemp seeds)

2 tbsp chia seeds

2 tbsp ground flaxseed meal

8 drops or 1 tbsp stevia

1 tsp vanilla paste

Pinch of salt

Raw honey or maple syrup to taste, optional

1 cup berries

2 tbsp chopped nuts and/or seeds e.g. brazil, macadamia, almond, pepitas

Sprinkle of coconut flakes or shreds


  1. Combine the milk, hemp seeds, chia seeds, flax seed meal, stevia, vanilla and salt in a saucepan

  2. Bring to the boil over medium heat, stirring regularly. Reduce the heat to low and allow the mixture simmer until it thickens, around 5 minutes, stirring to prevent it from sticking

  3. Divide the hemp seed porridge into two bowls. Top with the berries, chopped nuts or seeds, and coconut. Sweeten with some honey or maple syrup if desired